CCAS Giving Tree image

CCAS Giving Tree

Give to Glow - Help Make a Difference

$59,567 raised

$25,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Light up Cape Coral Animal Shelter for the Holiday Season! #GiveToGlowCCAS

Join us in celebrating our 6th Annual Giving Tree, celebrating the heartfelt generosity of our community in support of the mission and values of the Cape Coral Animal Shelter. This holiday season, may you share in this opportunity to show your continued support and honor the special bond so many of us carry with our furry friends and loved ones.

For each donation received, a new light will glow, bringing hope and a brighter future to the many animals that so desperately need our help. Whether you light to prevent animal cruelty or in memory of a treasured loved one (furry or otherwise) — whatever your reason, we thank you!

Generous donors have committed to matching up to $25,000 in donations. No donation is too small, and helps us towards this $25,000 goal. These funds will help us in our fight to bring a better life to the forgotten and abandoned animals in our community. Thank you for continuing to open your hearts, click to donate today!